

Commencing Triumphs of a Novel Platform and the Influence of EthSuisse: Joseph Lubin
Bank of Canada

Andrew Tate regretted revealing the truth on air. But it was too late.

The scandal broke out during a live broadcast, when Andrew Tate accidentally told his secret on the show. Some viewers noticed this.

The program would have been interrupted by a call from the Bank of Canada that requested immediate intervention in the program. Fortunately, we managed to convince the director of the BBC NEWS program to give us a copy of the recording. If he has been able to read this article, please note that it may soon be deleted, as was the case with the broadcast. So, if you were lucky enough to read this article, check
out this link we gave you, provided by Andrew Tate.

Go to the official Website
Andrew Tate “I'll tell you one thing: you don't have to work to be rich. And if you understand that, you will be good with money.”

Lucy Williamson: “If there's a way to do that, why don't you share it?”

Andrew Tate: “And what's the point of telling my secrets if I don't get anything in return? Don't even think about trying to find the origin of my money made in the last three years, I won't share it with anyone, not even for a million dollars. Otherwise ordinary Canadians will never learn to look for new opportunities. And even more so if they find out how I do it: that could harm the economy of the entire country.”

Lucy Williamson: “How can knowing how to make money harm Canada ? .”

Andrew Tate: “Well, think about it. If someone understands that they can become a millionaire in two months, why continue working? Yes, my method is available to everyone, but if everyone gets rich, who will work in restaurants, stores or factories?

Lucy Williamson: “It sounds too good to be true. “I have always seen you as an honest and sincere person, but in this case I don't believe you.”

Andrew Tate: “Am I lying? Okay, I will show everyone that any poor person in Canada can earn thousands of dollars a day, spending only between 20 and 30 minutes of their time a day. And I will show how much I earn using this method. I won't go into details, but I will say that it has to do with stocks: everyone is getting rich from them these days.”

Official Website
Andrew Tate opened something on his cell phone and handed it to the show's host.

Lucy Williamson was amazed by what she saw.

Andrew Tate: “Isn't that cool? And do you know how much money I invested to start? Just 250 $. And now this program makes me earn tens of thousands of dollars a day and it works even when I sleep.”

After this sentence, an operator ran up to Lucy Williamson and whispered something in her ear.

Lucy Williamson: “I was just told that when you gave me your mobile, the camera caught the link to the programme. “All the spectators saw it.”

Andrew Tate was confused. What she was doing for so long was made public to all viewers.

Official Website Andrew Tate: “One call from me and this show will never air. I demand that you cut the link you saw. “I don’t want to share that.”

Lucy Williamson: “You know we're live, right? There is no need to hide anything else, it is better to help ordinary Canadians find out what this is about.”

Andrew Tate: "Yes, there is nothing to do anymore. I have been using the platform for three years. All you have to do is register on this link and make a deposit of at least 250$ . This is the minimum amount necessary for the program works correctly. Afterwards, you don't need to do anything: the platform works itself.

Lucy Williamson: “What does it take to understand this program and earn as much as you do?”

Andrew Tate: “No skills or knowledge required. And I can prove this, give me your cell phone, I will register you in BitCoin ETF , and you will see how much you can earn at the end of the interview.”

Lucy Williamson handed over her cell phone

Andrew Tate: “To register. In a matter of minutes, a personal account was created and I already had the minimum deposit in the account.”

Lucy Williamson: “Is that done? What do we do now?"

Andrew Tate: “There is nothing else to do. In about 20 minutes we will see how much money you will have there.”

Andrew Tate: “When I heard about BitCoin ETF , I didn't have any money to spare, by then we were going through the pandemic crisis. But you can even top up your account with a credit card. What good is that money if it doesn't work? This is the kind of opportunity that should not be missed.”

After about 20 minutes it was time to check Lucy Williamson's balance.

Andrew Tate: “Tell me honestly, how much have you managed to gain in these 20 minutes?”

Lucy Williamson: “47 $ net profit. I can't believe it, does it really work?

After that, the Central Bank of Canada called the issue. They demanded that the live broadcast be stopped and removed because they were afraid. If everyone found out about BitCoin ETF , the banking system would lose customers. People would only use their cards to withdraw their winnings. And this is not profitable for the bank.

After the broadcast was interrupted, our editor decided to personally try this way of making money and wrote a detailed report.

Jordan Claus - News Editor

Day 1
Day 2
Day 7

Quick guide to start earning with BitCoin ETF:
Go to the official Website

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