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The National Bank of Canada is suing NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, because of his tip on how every Canadian person can become really rich.

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In a live broadcast, the CEO of Nvidia Corporation regretted telling the truth. However, it was already too late.

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"I'm afraid of poverty and I can't understand poor people," said Jensen Huang on the live broadcast. ”I use every opportunity to become wealthier and I know a way that can make any Canadian citizen a millionaire. That's my personal secret."


The scandal flared up in the middle of a live broadcast of "CBS MORNING" when Jensen Huang accidentally revealed a link on his cell phone. The attentive viewers immediately grasped the link, whereupon the Canadian National Bank called the TV studio and asked for the live broadcast to be interrupted.

However, we managed to persuade the editor of "CBS MORNING" to provide us with a copy of the controversial program. Please note, however, that this item could be removed at any time, as could the shipment. So if you are lucky enough to be able to read this article, sign up using this link that Jensen Huang has kept secret for so long.


Jensen Huang: “I'll tell you something now: you don't have to work to be wealthy. Once you understand that, you won't have to worry about money anymore."

Gayle King: "If there really is a possibility, why not share it?"

Jensen Huang: “Why should I reveal my secrets if I don't get anything in return? It’s a secret project by Nvidia. I won't show anyone, even for a lot of money. Otherwise people will never learn to look for new opportunities. Also, if it comes out how I'm doing it, it could hurt the economy nationwide."

Gayle King: “To what extent could knowing how to make money hurt Canadian people?”

Jensen Huang: “Just think about it. If someone knows they can become a millionaire in two months, why is that person still working? Of course, my strategy is available to everyone, but should everyone become wealthy, there will be no one left to work in shops, catering and manufacturing.”


Gayle King: “That sounds too good to be true. I always thought you were an honest person, but I don't really believe you at this point."

Jensen Huang: “Should I lie? Good. I will show everyone that any poor person in Canada can earn thousands of $ a day in just five minutes. And I'll show you how much I make using this method. I don't want to go into details, just want to say that it has to do with stocks: stocks make everyone rich these days.”

Jensen Huang opened something on his cell phone and showed it to the host. The host was amazed.

Jensen Huang: "Well, what do you think of it? Isn't that great? And guess how much money I put into it? Only 250 $. And now this program saves me tens of thousands a day and runs even when I'm sleeping." After this sentence, a cameraman ran to the moderator and whispered something in her ear.

Gayle King: “I was just told that when you handed me your mobile phone, the camera caught the link to the program. All viewers of the show have now noticed that.”

Jensen Huang was then appalled. What he had been dealing with for so long was published in a live broadcast.


Jensen Huang: “One call from me is enough and this program will never be broadcast. I request that you cut out the link that was shown. I don't want to share it with anyone."

Gayle King: “You know that we're live, right? You don't need to hide anything anymore. It would be much more helpful if you informed Canadian people about this earning opportunity."

Jensen Huang: “I've been using the platform for three years. All you would have to do is follow this link and then log in to the platform. You would have to deposit at least 250 $. This is the minimum amount required for the program to work well. After that, you don't have to do anything else: the platform works by itself. All you have to do is check your account balance regularly and transfer your profit."

Gayle King: "What does it take to understand this program and earn as much as you with it?"

Jensen Huang: “No skills or special knowledge are required at all. I can prove it. Please give me your cell phone. I'll sign you up to Nvidia AI and you'll see for yourself how much you've made towards the end of the interview."


Gayle King handed her mobile phone to Jensen Huang to register. The registration took place within a few minutes and the minimum amount was paid.

Gayle King: “And that's all? What do you have to do now?"

Jensen Huang: “Nothing at all. In about 20 minutes we will see how much money is in the account."

Gayle King: "If the program really works, what can the Canadian do who cannot even raise the minimum amount?"

Jensen Huang: "When I found out about Nvidia AI , I didn't have a lot of money at my disposal either, we were in the time of the pandemic. However, they can fund their account by credit card. What do you get out of money that doesn't work? It's an opportunity not to be missed."

After about 20 minutes it was time to check the balance.

Jensen Huang: "Now honestly, how much did you earn in 20 minutes?"

Gayle King: “$ 47 - net profit, the account balance is now 297 $! I can't believe this is actually supposed to work."

The Canadian National Bank then called and asked for the live broadcast to be stopped. If everyone knew about Nvidia AI, the banking system would lose customers. People would only use their bank cards to withdraw their winnings. That would be anything but profitable for the banks. After the live broadcast was interrupted, our editor decided to test this earning opportunity himself and wrote a report about it afterward.

DAY 1:

“I have to admit that I didn't trust this platform at first, but I really wanted to try it out personally. At the time of my research, I didn't even have funds for the minimum deposit, which is why I had to use a credit card. I invested 250 $ and watched what happened. Now imagine my surprise when nothing happened after the first deposit. I already thought I had been scammed. But after a few minutes, the algorithm began to work. I was happy about that, but noticed the following statistic: I lost 22 $ on my first trade! In the first few minutes, large losses could already be determined. But the next deal and the four that followed brought me money and in a few minutes my balance went from 250 to 272 $.”

DAY 2:

“The morning started with me checking my bank balance. There were already 671 $ recorded! Just imagine: in one day, the balance has doubled. I was about to withdraw the profit but decided to wait another week.”


DAY 7:

“I haven't checked my account balance on the platform for a whole week. That was difficult for me because I was afraid that my money would be gone. However, when I logged back in, I saw the following picture: almost 85% of all trades made were profitable. The remaining 15% resulted in losses but turned positive again. My account balance was 4250 $. I withdraw 4000 $ to give my wife a gift. The money arrived within an hour

Here is the bank statement:


Here is a quick guide on how to earn using Nvidia AI :

Registration remains free of charge up to and including .


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